Contact us

Phone: +46 (0)44-287100 • Email:
BOX 75 • 296 21 Åhus, Sweden • Visiting us: Båtföraregatan 2, Åhus, Sweden

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Marcus Malmsten


Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 05

Cell: +46 (0)705 - 18 12 46

Marcus has worked within the Malmsten group since the early 90’s. Marcus’ has expertise in commercial water slides and project management. CEO since 2016.

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Christian Malmsten

COO, Product Development/Purchasing

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 02

Cell: +46 (0)705 - 24 71 60

Christian is creative and full of ideas. He enjoys designing adventure pools as well as developing new products. He is a specialist in swimming equipment and water polo and present at most big international events.

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Jens Rosander

Project Manager, CEO Mirena

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 11

Cell: +46 (0)702 - 99 09 41

Jens is a project leader for tenders in the Swedish pool construction market. Jens is also CEO for Mirena-pool lining.

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Margareta Malmsten

Senior Advisor, Marketing. Founder

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 06

Cell: +46 (0)708 - 24 92 29

Margareta is the founder of the company. Today she is responsible for marketing.

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Tommy Malmsten

Senior Advisor, International affairs. Founder

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 04

Cell: +46 (0)705 - 23 97 87

Tommy has more than fifty years of experience in swimming, first as an active swimmer, later as a national team coach and last as an entrepreneur, focusing on swimming pool products

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Camilla Elensi


Phone: Tel: +46 (0)44-28 71 00

Camilla is responsible for continuous improvement of our quality, working environment as well as occupational health and safety.

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Gustav Eriksson

Director of International Sales

Phone: Tel: +46(0)44–28 71 07

Cell: +46 (0)736 82 69 07

Gustav manages our international sales, with many years’ experience he is ready to assist our clients in larger projects. Fluent in English and basic Spanish.

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Joowon Lee

International Sales/ International Relations

Phone: +46 (0)44-28 71 10

Cell: +46 (0)704 95 53 32

Joowon takes care of our international distributors. Diplomacy, accuracy and language are some of her strengths and, in addition to Swedish, Joowon speaks Korean, Japanese, Spanish and English.

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Ting Liu

International Sales

Phone: +46 (0)44-28 71 29

Cell: +46 (0) 735 99 03 90

Ting takes care of our international distributors. With many years of experience in sales and customer support in Shanghai and throughout Asia and Europe, Ting is eager to serve you in Chinese, English, or Swedish.

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Zanna Pergård

International Sales

Phone: +46 (0)44- 28 71 12

Cell: +46 (0) 706 28 71 06

Zanna manages our international distributor relations and has extensive expertise in sales and customer support. She is fluent in Swedish, English, and Spanish, and provides excellent service.

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Hazel Malmsten

Marketing Coordinator

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 19

Cell: +46 (0)706 07 67 85

Hazel coordinates the flow of information for marketing projects, product updates, product launches, and marketing initiatives.

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Viktor Wedell


Phone: +46(0) 44 - 28 71 00

Cell: +46 (0)721 - 45 21 10

Viktor is a graphic designer and photographer who produces marketing material for all our markets.

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Saranda Krasniqi

Product Developer/Design Engineer

Product development for new and existing products. Technical product support at the office and competitions.

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Per-Olof Persson

Sweden Sales Manager/HR Manager

Phone: +46 (0)44–28 71 00

Cell: +46 (0)708 29 34 90

Per-Olof has years of expertise within sales leadership. At Malmsten Per Olof is responsible for the Swedish market as well as our HR department.

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Mikaela Dahlqvist

Sales Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)44-28 71 01

Mikaela manages deliveries and sales to the country's public swimming pools and swimming clubs.

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Oliver Sandell

Sales Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)44-28 71 24

Cell: +46 (0)765-11 22 99

Oliver is our new Ambassador/Sales Representative for the Swedish market. He will be visiting swimming pools and aquatic centers to make sure we are providing the quality and service we stand for.

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Henrik Oredsson

Manager, Malmsten Entreprenad AB

Phone: Tel: +46 (0)44-28 71 09

Cell: Mob: +46 (0)739 17 66 44

Henrik has many years of experience in business and project management in the food industry and FMCG industry. As manager, Henrik has the overall responsibility for our company Malmsten Entreprenad AB.

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Tobias Salomonsson

Sales Manager, Malmsten Entreprenad AB

Phone: +46 (0)44-28 71 03

Cell: +46 (0)790-76 10 76

Tobias is the sales manager for our company Malmsten Entreprenad AB. After many years of employment at Malmsten, Tobias has a great knowledge of the range and commercial pools.

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Malin Malmsten

Manager arena Sweden

Cell: +46 (0) 708 80 71 00

Malin has many years of experience in sales and marketing and is responsible for the sales and marketing of Arena in Sweden.

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Rebecka Sjunnesson

Sales arena Sweden

Phone: +46 (0) 44 770 431

Cell: +46 (0) 790 65 57 37

Rebecka helps all our arena resellers and clubs to ensure they receive the best possible service and the right products. She has several years of experience in sales and customer service.

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Pontus Andersson


Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 14

Cell: +46 (0)723 - 57 49 22

Responsible for purchasing, inventory and calculations Malmsten Entreprenad.

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Daniel Jarl

Project Manager

Cell: +46 (0)735 82 89 69

Daniel has many years of experience from the construction industry. Daniel has worked as a project manager for many years and has extensive industry knowledge.

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Clair A. Brenneman


Cell: +46 (0) 736 821 734

Clair has many years of experience in technical design and construction. At Malmsten Entreprenad, Clair primarily focuses on the design work for Malmsten Movable Floors.

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Christoffer Hector


Cell: +46 (0)790-98 98 20

Christoffer is one of our technical designers for Movable Floors. Christoffer has many years of experience in machine construction and design.

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Erik Wallis

Technical Installer

Cell: +46 (0) 767 23 49 86

Erik works as a technicial installer, primarily focusing on our movable floors. Erik has many years of experience as a traveling technician.

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Niclas Edvinsson

Technical Installer

Cell: +46 (0) 708 80 30 52

Niclas has many years of experience as a leading installer in construction/concrete and is part of our installation team, primarily working with Malmsten Movable Floors, locker room cabinets, diving boards, starting blocks, and anti-slip mats. Niclas holds Bas P and Bas U certifications.

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Peter Lindros


Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 08

Peter has worked with finance for many years. He is responsible for our finance and analysis for the Malmsten Group.

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Jerlie Österberg


Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 13

Jerlie works in our finance department and takes care of the accounts of our affiliates Ockelbo Plastindustrier A, Hydrosport AB as well as accounts payables for Malmsten AB.

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Mathias Fagerström

IT-Manager and Purchasing

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 18

Cell: +46 (0)708 - 12 05 02

Mathias is responsible for Malmsten’s IT systems and purchasing.

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Jens Svensson

Warehouse Manager

Phone: +46 (0)44 - 28 71 16

Cell: +46 (0)708 - 24 75 19

As responsible for our warehouse and logistics Jens takes care of our incoming and outgoing deliveries as well as inventory control and office supplies. He also oversees our buildings and machinery and travels to many competitions for technical support.

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Mile Mihajlovic

Responsible for Lane Line production

Cell: +46 (0)733-50 42 06

With broad experience in plastics manufacturing, Mile became a valuable asset when production of the Competitor lane lines was moved to Åhus. Mile is responsible for lane line products.

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Mattias Strand


Cell: +46 (0)709-22 00 48

Mattias is responsible for our warehouse and logisitics. Mattias is also responsible for our CNC production.

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Jesper Johanson


Jesper works in our warehouse and helps with shipping, production of gratings, pool toys and racing lane lines.

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Vilhelm Svensson


Cell: +46 (0) 708 -24 75 99

Vilhelm works in our warehouse and helps with shipping and the production of racing lane lines.

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Osman Hegic

Workshop Manager, Malmsten Entreprenad AB

Phone: +46 (0)44- 28 71 28

Cell: +46 (0) 705 367 115

Osman has several years of experience as a workshop manager and performs everything from goods receipts, warehouse inspection, assembly, and welding. He occasionally carries out installation and performs service work on our Malmsten Movable Floors.

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Stefan Frick

Technical Installer

Cell: +46 (0) 766 - 97 67 76

Stefan has many years of experience from vehicle assembly as well as a technical installer in the door industry. Stefan is one of our installers and performs service work on our Malmsten Movable Floors.

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Per-Inge Thomasson

Technical Installer

Cell: +46 (0) 709 18 33 82

Per-Inge has many years of experience in assembly work within the Armed Forces facilities. Per-Inge is one of our technical installers. He carries out installation and performs service work on our Malmsten Movable Floors.

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Thyra Malmsten

Executive Assistant

Phone: +46 (0) 709 670 603

Thyra works with administrative support for the CEO. Thyra will also be a resource for all departments with the goal of learning the entire Malmsten operation.